The Benefits to Your Feet from Anti Fatigue Insoles

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Contrary to popular belief, a physically demanding job ends up affecting more than just your arms and legs. In fact, most people often overlook key areas of their body and opt out to pay for massages which solely target their upper body.

Neglecting to take into consideration more than just your upper body will have severe adverse effects on your overall health, which will impact your ability to perform your job properly.

In fact, the importance of feet that are in a healthy state is more often than not overlooked by workers, until the time comes and they endure some form of foot problem. You want to avoid doing this because untreated foot problems will start at your feet, but then spread and evolve to more intense forms of pain.

Foot Pain

Studies have shown that the average worker who works more than 40 hours a week is more susceptible to developing foot problems. Those can then transform into more serious problems such as headaches, backaches, and knee problems.

You want to avoid letting a foot problem exacerbate to the point that it starts to affect your capability to perform your job. First, these issues will mean you’ll be forcing yourself through a lot of pain and discomfort.

Foot Problems At Work To Make A Note Of

Regardless of whether you work in an office or construction environment, you’ll have to endure the constant pressure of standing on a hard surface that doesn’t conform to your feet.

Those who work on tiled or cement floors are more prone to developing a variety of foot problems than those who work on any other surface. Here are some of the foot problems that can occur as a result of not equipping your feet with the proper protection against such unforgiving flooring.

  • checkCalluses
  • checkArthritis
  • checkAthlete?s Foot
  • checkHeel Pain
  • checkSprains
  • checkFungal Infections
  • checkIngrown Toenails
  • checkFallen Arches

The constant exposure of both pressure and shock to your feet will cause any of the above foot problems to occur, especially if you leave your feet unchecked. In fact, if you let the pressure build up, it will travel up your body to lead to the deterioration of your ankles and knee joints.

Massaging Foot

Moving up past your leg area, the next portion of your body that ends up having to deal with the consequences of untreated foot pain is your spine which will directly impact your mental health as well.


What?s The solution?

You can?t just quit your job because you?re experiencing foot pain. There are steps you can take to reduce your chances of having to deal with foot pain.

The solution to foot pain which is related to work comes in the form of anti fatigue insoles. For those who have never heard of anti fatigue insoles, continue reading to equip yourself with relevant information regarding this effective solution.

What Are Anti Fatigue Insoles?

Anti fatigue insoles are a simple as well as affordable solution to combat foot pain.

Whenever a work environment cannot support anti fatigue mats, the next best step to take would be to make use of anti fatigue insoles. If your work setting includes high foot traffic, then equipping yourself with anti fatigue insoles is a suitable alternative to anti fatigue mats.

How They Work?

Anti fatigue insoles are made from high-grade materials that provide the resistance your feet need. This alleviates pressure build-up.

When it comes to choosing a particular material, memory foam insoles are the way to go. Memory foam cushions every step you take to effectively absorb the shock that occurs between your feet and the ground the moment they make contact.

The dual layered memory foam will compress and rebound to conform to your foot’s shape, so your weight ends up being distributed evenly.

If you’re worried about developing a fungal infection, you should not fret because a high-quality pair of insoles will make sure that an infection never occurs. In fact, some anti fatigue insoles will effectively eliminate moisture due to its moisture wicking technology.

Can They Work With Anti-Fatigue Mats?

We cannot give you a straight answer when it comes to using both anti fatigue mats with anti fatigue insoles. A significant amount of studies have shown that combining the two does not show any benefit whatsoever.

Standing On Anti Fatigue Mat

However, some research has depicted that users have reported feeling much more comfortable standing for hours on end when using both anti fatigue insoles with anti fatigue mats. You may find this combination will alleviate fatigue in your feet, ankles, lower back, and leg area.


Not sure about anti fatigue insoles? Maybe you should reconsider. Studies have shown that wearing anti fatigue shoe insoles while working, significantly decreases the chances of you developing some type of foot problem.

Contrary to popular belief, a physicallydemanding job ends up affecting more than just your arms and legs. In fact,most people often overlook key areas of their body and opt out to pay formassages that solely target their upper body.


Neglecting to take into consideration morethan just your upper body will have severe adverse effects on your overallhealth, which will impact your ability to perform your job properly.


In fact, the importance of feet that are ina healthy state is more often than not overlooked by workers until the timecomes and they endure some form of foot problem. You want to avoid doing thisbecause untreated foot problems will start at your feet but then spread andevolve to more intense forms of pain.


Studies have shown that the average workerwho works more than 40 hours a week are more susceptible to developing footproblems that then transform into more serious problems such as headaches,backaches, and knee problems.


You want to avoid letting a foot problemexacerbate to the point that it starts to affect your capability to performyour job negatively. These issues will not only mean that you’ll be forcingyourself through a lot of pain and discomfort, but they also mean bad news forboth other employees as well as your employer.


When you think about it, if your employeris the one responsible for your insurance plan, then a foot problem will causean immediate increase in your insurance premium as well as unaccounted medicalcosts that your employer will have to pay for.


Other than the monetary disadvantages thatuntreated foot problems will bring to your work environment, imagine how muchless productive you?ll be as a result of these foot problems.


Other employees will then have to pick upthe slack, which some will thank you for a while others will wish they wouldn’thave to be in that situation. Some people need the extra overtime while otherscan’t wait to go home after a full day’s work.


At the end of the day, if you strive tokeep your feet healthy, you are guaranteed to keep your employer happy as wellas your fellow workers, so everyone is working at their full potential.?

Foot Problemsat Work to Make A Note Of

Regardless of whether you work in an officeor construction environment, you’ll have to endure the constant pressure ofstanding on a hard surface that doesn’t conform to your feet.


Those who work on floorings such as tiledfloor or cement are more prone to developing a variety of foot problems thanworking on any other surface. Keep reading for some of the foot problems thatcan pop up as a result of not equipping your feet with the proper protectionagainst such unforgiving flooring.




Athlete?s Foot

Heel Pain


Fungal Infections

Ingrown Toenails

Fallen Arches


The constant exposure of both pressure andshock to your feet will cause any of the above foot problems to occurespecially if you leave your feet unchecked. In fact, if you let the pressurebuild up, it will travel up your body to lead to the deterioration of your kneejoints and your ankles.


Moving up past your leg area, the nextportion of your body that ends up having to deal with the consequences ofuntreated foot pain is your spine which will directly impact your mental healthas well.

What?s thesolution?

You can?t just quit your job because you?reexperiencing foot pain because if everyone did that, there would be no oneworking any type of vocation. However, there are steps you can take to reduceyour chances of having to deal with foot pain.


The solution to foot pain related to workcomes in the form of anti fatigue insoles. For those who have never heard ofanti fatigue insoles, you should continue reading to equip yourself withrelevant information regarding this effective solution.

What are antifatigue insoles?

Anti fatigue insoles are a simple as wellas affordable solution to combat foot pain that every workplace should make amandatory requirement.

Whenever a work environment cannot supportanti fatigue mats, the next best step to take would be to make use of antifatigue insoles. If your work setting includes high foot traffic then equippingyourself with anti fatigue insoles is a much suitable alternative than antifatigue mats.


If you aren’t sold on the idea of antifatigue insoles, then you may want to reconsider since studies have shown thatwearing anti fatigue shoe insoles while working significantly decreases thechances of you developing some type of foot problem.

How they work?

Anti fatigue insoles are made from high-gradematerials that provide the resistance your feet need, so no pressure build uphappens.


When it comes to choosing a particularmaterial, memory foam insoles are the way to go because of the memory foamcushions every step you take to effectively absorb the shock that occursbetween your feet and the ground the moment they make contact.


The dual layered memory foam will compressand rebound to conform to your foot’s shape, so your weight ends up beingdistributed evenly.


If you’re worried about developing a fungalinfection, you should not fret because a high-quality pair of insoles will makesure that an infection never occurs. In fact, some anti fatigue insoles willeffectively eliminate moisture due to its moisture wicking technology.

Can they workwith anti-fatigue mats?

We cannot give you a straight answer whenit comes to using both anti fatigue mats with anti fatigue insoles. Asignificant amount of studies have shown that combining the two does not showany benefit whatsoever.


However, some research has depicted thatusers have reported feeling much more comfortable standing for hours on endwhen using both anti fatigue insoles with anti fatigue mats. The positiveinfluence this combination has proved to alleviate your feet, ankles, lowerback, and leg area.

